Infantalk is a video series exploring advanced topics in various parenting skills, hosted by Uswatun Hasanah & Mira Taha.
Breast milk production begins during pregnancy when hormones like prolactin and oxytocin prepare the mammary glands. After birth, the baby’s sucking stimulates nerve signals, triggering prolactin to produce milk and oxytocin to release it through the milk ducts (let-down reflex). The milk supply is regulated by demand; frequent nursing ensures continued production. Initially, colostrum is produced, rich in nutrients and antibodies, transitioning to mature milk over a few days. The process is a natural cycle designed to meet the baby’s nutritional needs effectively.
Breast milk is a complete source of nutrition, tailored to meet a baby’s developmental needs. It contains macronutrients like proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in perfect balance for growth and brain development. Micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals support immunity, bone strength, and overall health. Breast milk also provides antibodies, enzymes, and probiotics that protect against infections and promote gut health. Its composition adapts over time to suit the changing needs of the baby, making it an unparalleled source of nourishment.
Breastfeeding provides the ideal nutrition for babies, supporting growth and strengthening their immune system while reducing the risk of infections and chronic diseases. For mothers, it aids postpartum recovery, reduces the risk of certain cancers, and fosters a strong emotional bond with their baby through oxytocin release. It is convenient, cost-effective, and environmentally sustainable, eliminating the need for formula or feeding equipment. Overall, breastfeeding is a natural and essential practice that benefits both mother and child, promoting lifelong health and well-being.
Mega Seminar Tangisan & Tidur Anak 0-6 Tahun at Olympic Hotel, Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, 21st December 2024.
Breastfeeding myths often create unnecessary confusion and stress for mothers. These myths overlook the natural adaptability of a mother’s body to meet her baby’s needs and the unique nutrients in breast milk. Many myths also discourage breastfeeding by exaggerating dietary restrictions or undermining a mother’s confidence in her ability to feed her baby. Educating mothers with accurate information is key to debunking these myths and promoting successful breastfeeding.
Milk management in breastfeeding involves proper handling, storage, and use of expressed breast milk to ensure its safety and nutritional value. Breast milk should be stored in clean, sterilized containers and labeled with the date of expression. It can be refrigerated for up to 4 days or frozen for longer periods, depending on storage guidelines. Thawed milk should never be refrozen and must be used within 24 hours. Effective milk management supports the baby’s health and helps mothers maintain an adequate milk supply.
Baby language includes sounds, gestures, and expressions that babies use to communicate their needs and feelings before they can speak. Understanding and responding to these cues strengthens the parent-child bond, supports development, and reduces frustration. Parents can encourage baby language by observing, interacting, talking, reading, and creating a nurturing environment.
Breastfeeding is a natural way to provide optimal nutrition, immunity, and comfort for babies while promoting healthy growth and development. It offers significant health benefits for mothers, including faster postpartum recovery and reduced risks of certain diseases. Beyond health, breastfeeding strengthens the bond between mother and baby, is cost-effective, and environmentally friendly.
The seminar is designed to equip parents with insights into understanding their baby’s unique ways of communication. Participants will learn strategies to respond confidently, fostering a deeper connection and easing parenting challenges. With practical advice from experts, these seminars aim to empower parents in nurturing their child’s emotional and developmental well-being.
Our free plan includes an access to 5 free episodes.